Gift Suggestions - Organdy Sacques 

Holiday Sacque with Christmas Soap & Bombe

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A 2.5 oz soap and a Holiday ornament shaped bath bombe in a cute package pretty much says it all. The bath bombe is scented with the blend of your favorite wintertime fragrances; fir and pine, cinnamon and vanilla, rose and memories. The soap is a a cheerful coordinated scent. These charming organdy gift sacques are an affordable option for one gift or many. Bring a selection for your team at work or tuck them into your luggage for hostess gifts on your travels. They will stay fresh and perky, and make your trips a little more fragrant as well. Bridesmaids? Table Favors? STocking Stuffer? Teenage friend or graduate? (Other colors are available, and these can be combined with any of my soaps, just email your preferences with your order.)

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